Swiss Cheese Philodendron
This plant will thrive in a warm environment with high humidity. This is typically a houseplant and prefers temperatures between 64-86 degrees.
Sun & Lighting
Swiss Cheese plants love sunny spots in your home. It is recommended to place the plant in a location that receives lots of indirect sunlight with a little bit of partial shade.
Plant your swiss cheese plant in a deep container that is twice the size of the main root ball. The container should have drainage holes to help avoid root rot.
It’s recommended to repot every 1-2 years in spring before growing season, and increase the pot size by around 2″ across to encourage growth.
Swiss cheese plants need an average amount of water, and it’s important to avoid overwatering the plant as this can lead to root rot. Water once per week, although it may need additional watering during hot or dry weather. A good way to determine if your swiss cheese plant needs watering is to check that the soil is slightly dry first. They enjoy a humid environment, so along with watering, lightly spray the leaves every other day to keep the plant from drying out.
The sap within the swiss cheese plant contains toxins that are poisonous to dogs and cats.